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The basic elements are majority rules, like the people have a say in things.. everything is for the people and by the people.

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2d ago

The basic elements of the traditional theory of democracy include the principles of political equality, popular sovereignty, majority rule with minority rights, and the protection of individual liberties. This theory emphasizes the importance of free and fair elections, representation, and government accountability to the citizens.

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Q: What are the basic elements of the traditional theory of democratic?
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What best represents the basic elements of the social system?

The basic elements of a social system typically include individuals, groups, institutions, roles, norms, and values. These elements interact with each other to create a social structure that governs behavior and relationships within a society.

What are the 4 basic elements of a country?

The four basic elements of a country typically include a defined territory with borders, a permanent population, a government or authority that exercises control over the territory, and the capacity to enter into relations with other countries.

What changes did the enlightenment change in the political systems?

The Enlightenment era led to significant changes in political systems by promoting ideas such as individual rights, separation of powers, and the need for representative government. These ideas influenced the development of democratic principles and constitutional government, leading to the spread of democratic ideals and the weakening of absolute monarchies. The Enlightenment also emphasized the importance of reason and rationality in governance, challenging traditional authority and promoting the idea of government by consent of the governed.

Distinguish between democratic and nondemocratic conditions?

Democratic conditions generally involve free and fair elections, protection of basic human rights and freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers, and government accountability to the people. In contrast, nondemocratic conditions can involve restrictions on political participation, lack of respect for human rights, authoritarian rule, censorship, limited political freedoms, and lack of transparency in governance.

What is the Instinctive Theory of the Origin of State?

The Instinctive Theory of the Origin of State suggests that the state emerged naturally from the instinctive human need for social organization and cooperation. This theory posits that people formed states to fulfill their inherent instincts for safety, security, and social order. It argues that the state is a product of humanity's evolutionary predisposition towards living in groups and developing systems of governance.

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