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Antioxidants destroy harmful agents called free radicals, which cause the effects of aging.

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Q: What are the benefits of adding an antioxidant supplement to your diet?
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Related questions

What is a good antioxidant supplement to take?

You don't need to take any because you will get it from diet alone and it can be dangerous to take tablets containing it.

What are a few brands of antioxidant supplements?

Antioxidants are found naturally in many foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables. They can also be added to one's diet through the use of a supplement. Some of the brands of antioxidant supplements available include GNC, Herbal Plus, Now Foods and Nature's Plus.

What are some benefits of the Geritol liquid supplement?

This supplement provides the vitamins and iron that aren't normally taken in by regular diet. The liquid form is just much easier to take than vitamin tablets.

Finding the Best Diet Supplement?

Finding the best diet supplement for you can be a little tricky. Since every body is different, there are a number of different considerations you need to make whenever you're trying to find the best diet supplement. No two bodies are alike, and there are a few tips you can use to find the best diet supplement for you. First, think of the number one benefits you're looking to get out of a supplement. This way, you won't simply be wandering around looking at supplements all day. You'll have a definite goal you're looking to accomplish, and you can more easily find what you need.

Can a diabetic take endothial?

You are right to be cautious about adding elements to your diet when you have diabetes. Endothial is a supplement to aid muscle growth. It is not FDA approved, but there are anecdotal comments on the web. As always, check with your doctor to see if there are any contraindications for adding it.

Does a fiber supplement like Metamucil provide good benefits?

Metamucil can provide very good benefits to people who need extra fiber in their diet. It can help you have more regular bowel movements and digest your food better.

Where can you buy a diet supplement pill?

You can buy diet supplement pills at your local pharmacy or health food store. There are many supplement pills available and for some doctor consultation prior to purchase is recommended.

What are the benefits to drinking slimfast?

Slimfast is a ready-to-drink supplement beverage that was designed for people who are on a low or no carb diet. They are beneficial to control calorie intake to help lose weight.

What are the risks and benefits to the dr. atkins diet plan?

The Atkins diet requires consuming large amounts of meat compared to the average diet. You must be sure to supplement your eating habits with enough fiber and vitamins that you may be missing from this diet. As always consult a physician before embarking on any new diet, fad or otherwise.

Benefits of Adding Grapefruit to a Diet?

< p>Grapefruit is a wonderful addition to add to one's diet. They are low in cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat. It contains 78% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which is vital in helping keep one's immune system strong. Not only is it high in vitamins, but it is also a great source of folic acid, calcium, fiber, potassium and vitamin A. Pink and red grapefruit contain lycopene, which is an antioxidant that is said to help prevent tumors.< /p>

What is klb6 used for?

Diet Supplement that help weight loss

What are the positive effects of vitamin k?

Vitamin K is a good one to add to your diet. It's benefits include blood clotting, bone health, Calcification, antioxidant, brain function, anti-inflammatory. Find more info here: