

What are the benefits of soybeans?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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1. Making soy milk does less damage to the environment than raising cows to produce cows milk. It produces less greenhouse gasses, wastes less water, causes less water pollution and less land pollution. It also uses less land.

2. Producing cows milk on factory farms is very cruel to the cows. They are kept indoors in tiny enclosures, and hooked up to milking machines that cause them to have inflamed and infected udders. The cows are made pregnant frequently and then their calves are taken away from them after they give birth. They are given hormones and antibiotics to make them produce as much as 10 times the milk that they would produce naturally. Soy milk is cruelty free.

3. Cows milk contains hormones and antibiotics that may have negative health effects on humans.

4. Soy milk doesn't contain any cholesterol. This may be better for you if you have high cholesterol or other risk factors for Heart disease.

5. Soy milk contains natural hormones that mimic the effects of Estrogen. This can be helpful if you are having menopause symptoms, such as hot flashes.

6. Soy milk doesn't contain lactose. It can be easier to digest if you have lactose intolerance.

7. On the other hand, most soy milk has added sugar. Get the unsweetened kind. Stir or shake it before you pour it in your glass, because the soy settles to the bottom of the container.

8. It's cheaper than cow's milk.

9. It stays fresh longer in the refrigerator.

(That's all I can think of, but it's quite a lot.)

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