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The benefits of medical alert devices are that emergency medical personnel is alarmed when a hazard is present, and one's life can thus be saved. Without a medical alert it could take much longer before medical assistance can be offered.

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Q: What are the benefits of the different types of medical alert devices?
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Related questions

Where can I find cheap medical alert devices in florida?

Lifeline Medical Alert Services is located in Punta Gorda, Florida.

Are there different types of medical alert devices?

Yes some monitor heart rate others you just press an alarm button.

How much does it cost to purchase a medical alert device?

This will depend on the device, as well as your insurance plan. Some companies claim to offer no-fee medical alert devices, whereas others offer plans of $24.95 per month for monitored medical alert.

What is the response time for medical alert devices?

These devices are simply a shortcut to notifying paramedics, so it will depend on your local emergency services.

How does an emergency alert necklace help to ensure safety in a medical situation?

It uses sensors called accelerometers, which detect motion, to identify when you fall and then send an alert to the medical alert company's monitoring center that you need help. Most medical alert devices include fall detection as an optional feature for an additional monthly fee.

What elderly medical alert devices should I consider getting?

You should have a look at They are a medical response service recommended by the AARP.

Can I have my name engraved on medical alert devices or just medical history details?

Yes you can. A couple of companies that do this are:Sticky Jewelry ( and

What benefits come with having medical alert monitoring?

Medical Alert monitoring services help people when they cannot help themselves. Frequently it's used for seniors and those who must recouperate after an illness at home. If you get sick or fall, the system will alert medical help immediately.

What are the most common medical alert devices?

The purpose of medical alert devices is to provide assistance in the event of a medical emergency. These gadgets can be worn on the wrist, neck, or even as a bracelet. Pendants that hang from the neck or wrist are very popular. These medical alert systems often include a panic button that can be used to summon help in an emergency. Some even have GPS tracking technology built in for pinpointed emergency response. In most cases, the program makes available medical professionals who can evaluate the situation and make required treatment arrangements. Those in need of assistance owing to age-related infirmity or disease, as well as their caregivers and loved ones, might find comfort in medical alert systems.

What are the best brands of medical alert systems?

a) In terms of quality, myHalo is the most advanced system that automatically detects falls and measures vital signs. Other good brands include Lifestation, LifeAlert and LifeFone. Rescue Alert of California also offers a reliable service with quality medical alert devices. Obviously, when researching medical alert systems, make sure you're covering all your bases. Look up features such as signal range, customer testimonials, prices, contracts, and qualified responders, and compare amongst many different brands, to make sure the medical alert you choose is right for YOU. I've attached a medical alert comparison chart that you can use to compare many different medical alert brands- I hope this helps. b) There are various brands of medical alert systems. On there are reviews from both consumers and experts and based on the various sources the TOP 10 best brands.

What are some examples of medical alert buttons?

Medical alert buttons are small devices which often are hanging around the patients neck. With simply pressing the button in the middle of the small device the patient is able to speak to an medical operator which will send help on the way.

What medical equipment does Philips Healthcare produce?

Philips Healthcare has a wide variety of products. This list includes defibrillators, medical face masks, medical alert devices, and patient management systems.