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One of the main benefits of urban agglomerations is that if a number of similar businesses cluster together, the cost of production may decrease. Also the urban agglomeration can attract more business and consumers than a single business can do alone.

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Q: What are the benefits of urban agglomerations?
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Another list defines megacities as urban agglomerations instead of metropolitan areas. As of 2010, there are 25 megacities by this definition, like Tokyo. Other sources list Nagoya and the Rhein-Ruhr as megacities.

What were the greek city states?

They were agglomerations of villages centered on a particular urban center. The mountainous terrain prevented a unified government, and each city-state developed its own politics and policies. Sparta was known as a warrior's state, while Athens became a center of science and philosophy.

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How would one go about finding a job in Houston?

There are over 110.000 jobs on offer in Houston, 93% of those are also offered online. In the urban agglomerations of Houston another 20.000 jobs are available. The average income is just above 42.000 dollar. When you exclude the jobs with manual labor the average income will rise slightly.

What has the author H Guerree written?

H. Guerree has written: 'Pratique de l'assainissement des agglomerations urbaines et rurales'

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