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theres: Soft Toric Lenses - Toric lenses have two powers in them, created with curvatures at different angles (one for astigmatism, the other for either myopia or hyperopia). There's also a mechanism to keep the contact lens relatively stable on the eye when you blink or look around. To provide crisp vision, toric contact lenses cannot rotate on your eye RPG(rigid gas permeable) Lenses - Unlike hard plastic lenses, RGP lenses are gas permeable. That is, they allow oxygen to pass through to the cornea. They are less expensive and more durable than soft contact lenses, and provide wearers with clearer, sharper vision. Unlike soft contact lenses, RGP lenses have a low water content and therefore, resist protein deposits and bacteria. Because they are rigid, they hold their shape when the wearer blinks, allowing for crisper vision. Other benefits include ease of handling and ease of care. Because they do not contain water, proteins from the eye do not build up on the lens, so the lens stays cleaner, and requires less maintenance. RGP's are not for every patient. Because of their rigid form, they require more break in time for the patient to become comfortable with wearing the lenses. Also, if you discontinue wearing your RGP lenses for a few days, it may be difficult to become used to wearing them again. RGP's differ from soft contacts in that becoming comfortable with wearing a rigid lens requires the patient to wear their lenses all the time. Soft contact lens users may discontinue wearing their lenses for a few days, and immediately be comfortable with having them inserted again.

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1d ago

It is best to consult with an eye care professional like an optometrist or ophthalmologist who can assess your specific needs and recommend the best contact lenses for your dry eyes and astigmatism. They may suggest specialized toric contact lenses for astigmatism, as well as contacts designed for dry eyes to provide optimal comfort and vision correction. Be sure to follow their advice on proper lens care and usage to maintain good eye health.

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Q: What are the best contacts if your eyes are getting really dry and blurry and you have astigmatism?
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It may be possible that your astigmatism is not very severe, so that you are unconsciously compensating for it, with eyestrain and headache as a result. Sounds like something worth following up on, since you may need just a pair of glasses rather than something invasive or pharmaceutical. Here's an article on it: Also, "blurry" is a very subjective evaluation for people to make. Some people think they see just fine when they have 20/80 vision and really should be wearing glasses all the time. Other people with a very slight eyeglass prescription think they see horrible and are surprised when the eye doctor doesn't prescribe glasses for them.

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Where can you buy color contacts for really cheap?

What is coler?

well her eyes are really brown but she wears contacts that are blue

Do contacts cut your eyes?

If you put them in wrong, can cut like a paper cut if you really really do it wrong.

What coler is ebony?

well her eyes are really brown but she wears contacts that are blue

Do you need contacts on BlackBerry Messenger?

If you want, you dont really need them but it is good to have them

Is it gay for a men to wear color contacts?

No its not. It just depends on the color you get I guess. I don't really know whats wrong about men wearing colored contacts.

Where is the best place to order color contacts?

I have used Acuvue contacts for years and am really excited that they have color contacts available now too. You should go to their website and sign up to get a free trial pair! Probally Lenscrafter I just bought some contacts from Love them!!! Order contacts at Discount Contact Lenses

Does Taylor swift wear color contacts?

Yes! In the video, "You Belong With Me," Taylor was really wearing her real glasses. So, she does wear contacts.