

What are the best insulator?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Some are wood, rubber, glass, ceramics and plastics.

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Q: What are the best insulator?
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Which is an example of a good insulator?

it depends what type of insulator youre talking about. wood is a good thermal insulator and rubber is a good electrical insulator A perfect vacuum is the best insulator.

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Is rubber a best insulator or polystyrene?

Polystyrene is a better insulator than rubber. This is because polystyrene has a lower thermal conductivity, meaning it is better at reducing heat transfer compared to rubber. Additionally, polystyrene is often used in applications where higher levels of insulation are required.

What would be the best insulator to keep something warm?

Materials with high thermal resistance such as foam, wool, or fiberglass are commonly used as insulators to keep things warm. These materials trap heat and slow down its transfer, helping to maintain the desired temperature inside. Depending on the specific application, the best insulator may vary.

Which is an example of a very good insulator?

Rubber is an example of a very good insulator. It is often used to cover electrical wires to prevent the flow of electricity, as it does not conduct electricity easily due to its high resistance.

A good insulator for electricity?

the best insulator is plastic. a better insulator is rubber which is used for wires and other electrical lines

Best heat insulator?

a brick

The best insulator is?

The best insulator is typically materials with low thermal conductivity, such as fiberglass, foam, or cellulose. These materials create a barrier that slows down the transfer of heat, helping to maintain a more stable temperature within a space.