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Fibre glass is a good material to make boats it is a mixture of glass and plastic.

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Q: What are the best materials for a boat to float?
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What materials on a cruise ship would float?

The boat.

How does a boat stay a float on the water by itself?

Materials that are less dense than water will float. Wood and styrofoam are 2 such materials. This property is know as bouyancy. Materials that are denser than water can be formed in a way to displace water so that they will float.

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Do material and shape affect buoyancy of a toy boat?

Yes it does because depending on the materials of the boat and how much their mass is can change the buoyancy of the toy boat. Boat can be designed to have less volume in order for it to have less density and be able to float. So if the material's mass is alot if can make the boat sink. If the material's mass is not alot then it can help the boat float. If the shape is designed to have more volume than mass it will float. If not then it will sink.

Why do boats float if they are made of materials that normally sink?

because inside the boat has air. think when u blow up a ballon it floats same with a boat the out side of the boat is metal

Will a boat float on liquid soap?

Yes the boat will float on liquid soap

How can a boat float and don't sink?

because the boat is made out of stuff that can float

Do materials float better in water oil or soda?

Materials float best in the liquid with the highest density. Soda with lots of dissolved sugar probably has the highest density.

What is a boat that can float on water?

wow that's sad a boat that can float is any tye of boat that doesnt have a hole in it

What is the procedure for a boat help it to float in water?

procedure for help boat float in water

How can you make a ball of clay float?

by making a boat and that way a boat can float anytime in water

Why wont a paper boat float on normal water?

Because a paper boat does not have balance to float