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The BEST one is Dry Gulch USA its in Adair Oklahoma. they treat you so well and the staff is fanominal! (how ever you spell it) lol but everyone is so nice and i know from experience! :)

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Q: What are the best overnight summer camps in the US?
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The US has MANY Jewish summer camps.

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Why is this in the Holocaust category*? I go to North Star which is located in northern Wisconsin. It is a great overnight camp and has everything there. People from all over the US go there. *If you meant concentration camps, what's wrong with you?!

Where can I find information on local summer soccer camps for teens?

There are many summer soccer camps all over the US (and probably other countries as well). Here are a few links to some that I found quickly that have several locations:

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The best known are Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen. (These were all concentatration camps rather than death camps in the more exact sense).

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Switzerland is the best place for summer

Can my daughter go to a Golf Camp, or are they just for boys?

Most golf camps will accept both boys and girls. The word "golf" stands for gentlemen only ladies forbidden, but that has long since not been the case. Today there are many women golfers and golfs camps often welcome them. She absolutely can--a number of golf camps are gender integrated. The Nike Golf camps (run by US Sports Camps) have overnight camps for boys and girls in most states in the nation.

When is the best time to sail to England from the US?

Answer this question…In the summer.

What are the oldest summer camps in the US?

Camp Pasquaney in New Hampshire, established in 1895. One of the least-known, most elite, and most rustic camps in the US. Pasquaney has the highest percentage of ivy league graduates of any camp in the US and has an endowment which allows the camp to defray ~50% of the cost of a 7 week session. Non-denominational and very inclusive of minorities and international campers, Pasquaney has a loyal alumni following. Pasquaney has spawned numerous camps throughout the Northeastern US and remains a model of ethical, moral and out-and-out fun camps.

What ski resort gets the first snow in US?

loveland Mt. Hood is open all year long (race, mogul and freestyle camps in the summer). They always have the first snow.

What camps were liberated by the US Soviets?

There were no US soviets, the US have senates.

Are there any camps in the us?


Were US internment camps forced?

Yes, all internment camps are forced incarceration.