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The best known are Buchenwald, Dachau, Mauthausen. (These were all concentatration camps rather than death camps in the more exact sense).

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Q: Which death camps were freed by the US In World War 2?
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How many people were freed during the liberation?

Over 100,000 people were freed from POW camps, concentration camps, and hiding places after World War 2.

When and where did the gassing in death camps begin in World War 2?

Aushwitz in Poland one of the biggest death camps in the world war 2 run be ruldof hoss a Nazi

Were there more death camps than concentration camps in World War 2?

Concentration camps were death camps. The people that were scheduled to die were concentrated into areas for easier delivery to the death chambers.

What are all the different concentration camps used during World War 2?

Concentration Camps Transit Camps Labour Camps Death Camps Extermination Camps.

Did Abraham Lincoln free the Jews?

He freed the slaves which was one of the causes of the Civil War in the United States, but he did not free the Jews. The Jews were freed from several concentration camps in Europe during a different war... World War II.

How many Jews were released from the death camps after World War 2 ended?

630,135 from 25 major camps and 1000 smaller camps

What were the Wachkommando in World War 2?

The SS concentration "death" camps guards

How many people were at the death camps during World War 2?


What were death camps during World War 2?

6 main camps where they sent people to be gassed with poison and die

Name a specific example of genocide from World War 2?

Jews in death camps

After World War 2 began Jewish people were taken into custody where Hitler had troops and placed where?

In concentration camps (death camps).

Camp's where Jews were sent in World War 2?

Auschwitz. (Please see the related question).