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it freed them from slavery

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Q: What effects did the civil war have on black people?
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What are the short term effects of the American Civil War?

no black people.

Social effects after civil war?

it allowed many people to be united under one nation and it freed the black slaves

Why is it the KKK was not formed before the civil war?

because before the civil war white people were already above black people, they began after the civil war because black people were starting to get their rights

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What were some of the lasting effects on civil war?

Book people.!

What did the black people do in the American Civil War?


Who went south after the civil war?

Not the Black people.

What are some effects the civil war had on Kentucky?

alot of people died and have been enjured

How was the US different after the civil war?

black people were treated no deferent

What was the name of Union generals in the civil war that was with black people?


What did the black movement act achieve in America after the civil war?

black people are prejedice against white people now.

What happened from the Civil War?

There are a number of civil wars but I am guessing from the category you put it in that you are talking about the American Civil War. From the American Civil war slaves were freed and black people were treated slightly more like equals. It wasn't until Martin Luther king that Black people were treated entirely like equals.