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Q: What are the best relaxers for kids?
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What is the best relaxers for brown hair?

You do not buy relaxers based on the colour of your hair.

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muscle relaxers work best

What is the best relaxer for black hair?

The best relaxers or Affirm, Mizani, and Phytospecific. All three are expensive, and I cant seem to find them anywhere but a salon. For at home relaxers, I don't know but do go with Motions.

What are some hair relaxers for biracial kids?

there are some for mixed kids they are called texturizers but they are not good for biracial hair i used one and my hair got worse then it already was...

What is the best hair relaxer?

The best relaxers brand are up to you. There are some good relaxers but you need to get one that works well on your hair and hair type. Cocoa Keratin Kit is a good quality hair relaxer but in general no base chemical relaxers are the choice of Salons professionals because they are much more gentle on the hair and scalp.

Do relaxers work?

Yes. Relaxers straightens the hair if applied properly and in sections. Relaxers are to be applied to the new growth only.

What is the pH level of design essential hair relaxers?

Which of their relaxers are you asking abt? You're best bet is to contact them at 770-981-8722 for more information. They've been very helpful to me!

Why is the best way to stop relaxing hair?

If your hair is relaxed enough, then you don't have to use relaxers any more in it.

What does no-lye relaxer do?

No-lye relaxers does the same as the sodium hydroxide relaxer but no lye relaxers requires frequent conditioning and lye relaxers contain a oil base to protect the scalp from irritation.

How long does it take muscle relaxers to leave your system?

It could take days for certain muscle relaxers to leave your system. Most muscle relaxers will leave your system within 24 hours.

How many women in the US use hair relaxers?

20-30% Relaxers are damaging to the scalp and hair. Use a flat iron. More women use flat irons than relaxers anyway.

What is major difference between thio and hydroxide relaxers?

Hydroxide relaxers are not compatble with thio relaxers, permanent waving, or soft curl permanents because they use a different chemistry. Thio relaxers use thio to breake the disulfide bonds. The high pH of a thio relaxer is needed to swell the hair but it is the thio that breaks the disulfide bonds. Hydroxide relaxers have a pH that is so high that the alkalinity alone breaks the disulfide bonds. Hydroxide relaxers are not compatble with thio relaxers, permanent waving, or soft curl permanents because they use a different chemistry. Thio relaxers use thio to breake the disulfide bonds. The high pH of a thio relaxer is needed to swell the hair but it is the thio that breaks the disulfide bonds. Hydroxide relaxers have a pH that is so high that the alkalinity alone breaks the disulfide bonds.