

Best Answer

The best treatments for cellulitis are antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. These include oral, intravenous, or topical antibiotics. Please see your doctor for the best treatment for your case.

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Q: What are the best treatment options for Cellulitis?
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What are the treatment options available for Cellulitis?

Antibiotics are effective if the cellulitis is contained to a small area. If you have cellulitis in the leg or arm, elevating the limb can also help. In severe cases, a hospital stay may be required.

Is there any self help treatment for cellulitis?

No, cellulitis is a serious bacterial skin infection that requires prompt medical attention and treatment with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional. It is not recommended to attempt self-help treatment for cellulitis.

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Can you swim with cellulitis?

It would be better to heal all wounds caused by cellulitis and than start with swimming and other activities. Unless your doctor approve this, I would not recommend this activity during cellulitis treatment period.

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What is preseptal cellulitis?

Preseptal cellulitis (periorbital cellulitis) is infection of the eyelid and surrounding skin anterior to the orbital septum Preseptal cellulitis causes tenderness, swelling, and redness or discoloration (violaceous in the case of H. influenzae) of the eyelid. Patients may be unable to open their eyes, but visual acuity remains normal. Treatment is with antibiotics.

Are there any treatments for cellulitis?

If untreated, cellulitis can become very painful, and in some cases, life threatening. Treatment includes elevating the infected area to reduce swelling and antibiotics. If it becomes severe, treatment may include intravenous antibiotics and a hospital stay.

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How long does it take to get bactrim out of your system?

That is really hard question. All depends on the severity of infection and treatment options. If your cellulitis is in early stage and you visited your MD, there is a great chance that you'll full recovery within a week. In most cases of cellulitis healing period is in 5-15 days. Without proper medical examination it is really hard to determine any medical fact.