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Q: What is the cause of and treatment for nasal cellulitis?
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Is there any self help treatment for cellulitis?

No, cellulitis is a serious bacterial skin infection that requires prompt medical attention and treatment with antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional. It is not recommended to attempt self-help treatment for cellulitis.

What is the scientific name for cellulitis?

Cellulitis is it. There are various skin diseases that cause cellulitis, such as infections of various etiology.

What are the best treatment options for Cellulitis?

The best treatments for cellulitis are antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. These include oral, intravenous, or topical antibiotics. Please see your doctor for the best treatment for your case.

What ages are most affected by cellulitis?

In case of periorbital cellulitis most affected are youngsters (cause bacteria HiB). In case of leg or arm cellulitis most affected are older patients(cause Staph or Strep bacteria). Cellulitis affects people of all ages.

What are the treatment options available for Cellulitis?

Antibiotics are effective if the cellulitis is contained to a small area. If you have cellulitis in the leg or arm, elevating the limb can also help. In severe cases, a hospital stay may be required.

What is a good treatment for dog allergy?

A good treatment for dog allergy is nasal spray that will relieve your nasal sensitivity.

Can you swim with cellulitis?

It would be better to heal all wounds caused by cellulitis and than start with swimming and other activities. Unless your doctor approve this, I would not recommend this activity during cellulitis treatment period.

Is cellulities contagious?

No. Cellulitis is not directly contagious. The bacteria that cause Cellulitis is spread through direct contact, though, which can result in a bacterial infection and increase risk for Cellulitis.

Can arthritis be caused by cellulitis?

The cause for arthritis is to date not known, however there is no known connection between cellulitis and arthritis.

Treatment of neonatal nasal congestion?

Treatment for neonatal nasal congestion include saline drops, vaporizer, and a bulb syringe.

Are cellulitis and staph the same thing?

No, they are not identical. Cellulitis can be caused by some strains of staph, but it can also be cause by some strains of Strep.

How long can cellulitis last?

Cellulitis is an infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissues mostly caused by several types of bacteria (Strep and Staph bacteria are main cause of this very common medical condition). 1. Treatment at home for mild and moderate cases usually last 10-15 days. 2. Serious cases of cellulitis can last till' 25-30 days if hospital treatment last cca 5-7 days. 3. Recurrence case of cellulitis may be treated for several months (depends on severity of infection). Generally, it is very hard to predict treatment period because every organism respond on antibiotics different.