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The fruits and vegetables that would work best in the Juice Plus are the most nutritious. Some fruits being apples, Oranges, pineapple, cranberries and some vegetables being beets, broccoli, cabbage, and spinach.

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Q: What are the best vegetables for juicing?
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Related questions

benefits of juicing vegetables?

There are many health benefits from juicing. Here are some that I found.

How to clean vegetables before juicing?

To clean vegetable before juicing, you simply need to pass it through water.

How much juice is expected when juicing fruits and vegetables?

The answer will depend on which fruit or vegetables and on how many of them.

When juicing if the vegetables are cooked is there more juice?

Yes, of course

What are the top benefits for juicing ones vegetables?

There are many benefits to juicing vegetables. The main benefits are that juiced vegetables provide low-fat nutrition rich drinks that can energize people better than brands like Gatorade.

How do you blend vegetables?

To blend vegetables, you can simply place these vegetables into a blender and allow them to mix together. You might also blend them by juicing the vegetables.

Does juicing fresh fruits and vegetables flush out antidepressants?

No, but it does flush the juice from the fruits and veggies.

What is juice?

Juice is the liquid that can be squeezed from edible fruit to drink.

Describe juicing in juice therapies?

Juicing involves the extraction of juice from raw fruit or vegetables. Juice should be consumed as soon as possible after extraction because when it's stored, juice loses its nutritional value.

How can I loose weight through juicing?

You can lose weight through juicing since you will be consuming fewer calories than if you were eating solid foods, while still taking advantage of healthy nutrients through fruits and vegetables. Juicing is a healthier alternative to a water detox.

What are the precautions associated with juice therapies and particularly juicing?

The juicing of fresh fruit and some vegetables can lead to the intake of considerable amounts of sugar. In some people, the sugar produces a quick rush of energy followed by a "crash."

How can I lose 25 lbs before september?

The best way to lose 25 pounds in less than 2 months is to exercise while taking protein shakes and juicing healthy fruits and vegetables.