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Some of the first signs is restlessness. The goat will get up and paw then lay down again. You might see blood start to come out a little bit. But when the goat is ready to give birth any moment the plug (thick mucus) will come out. Sometimes you can notice the raising of the back when the babies move into the canal. This can start to happen a few days from the birth or the same day.

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Q: What are the birthing signs of a boer goat?
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How long for a boer goat to give birth?

Gestation/pregnancy lasts about five months, the birthing process or parturition takes an hour to two hours depending on the number of kids born.

What is the boer goat scientific name?

The scientific name for the Boer goat is Capra aegagrus hircus.

Will goats be endangered?

Depends on what goat you're thinking of there. If it's a Boer Goat. NO.

What is a female prior to birthing goat called?

A maiden doe.

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Does a boer goat have upper teeth?

A boer or any breed of goat do NOT have upper front teeth. Neither do cows or sheep. They have a boney pallet with ridges. They do have molars to chew with.

Goat breed that originated in Africa?

Boer---they originated from South Africa. "Boer" means farmer in Dutch.

What is purebred boer buck?

A buck who is registered and whose parents are both registered with a boer goat society.

Can you bred a male bore goat to a female pygmy goat?

Yes you would get a boer pygmy

What is the other Name for a goat?

A baby goat is called a kid =)

How many kids does a boer goat have?

A boer goat can have anywhere from 1 to 5 kids. Multiples (2-3) are common.

What is the gestation period for Boer Goat?

On average five months