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Q: What are the body sizes of an American fuzzy lop?
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What is the scientific name for the american fuzzy lop?

The scientific name for the American Fuzzy Lop rabbit is Oryctolagus cuniculus.

What are the Varieties of lop eared rabbits?

mini lop.holland lop,giant lop,french lop eared,English lop,German lop.American fuzzy lop, that is all i know mini lop, holland lop, giant lop, french lop, English lop, German lop, American fuzzy lop

A kind of bunny that starts a?

American fuzzy lop

What so you think is cuter an English angora or an American fuzzy lop?

I do not like angoras. They require a lot of grooming. But, the lop ears add to the cuteness factor.

At least how many rabbit breeds are there?

Mini lop, Holland lop, American fuzzy lop, French lop, and the English lop. ( there are other kinds of lops like the lion lop the velvet lop and the micro lop but those lops are not recognized by the ARBA ) American rabbit breeders association's.

What is a lop eared rabbit's last height?

The rabbit would grow about 13-16 pounds it just depends on the breed. There are so many breeds like Holland Lop rabbits, Mini Lop rabbits, English Lop rabbits French Lop rabbits, and American Fuzzy Lop rabbits. These breeds of lop eared rabbits are just in the US.

What is the best bunny breed for starters?

some good bunny breeds for beginners are: New Zealand Dutch Himalayan Holland lop Jersey Wooly American Fuzzy Lop Mini Rex

Is the American fuzzy lop rabbit the same rabbit as the mini rex rabbit?

No, A Fuzzy lop has lopped down ears and angora type wool. A Mini Rex has upright ears and a very short uniform plush coat. For pictures of these breeds go to the American Rabbit Breeders Assn. website.

How many babies does an angora rabbit have?

Usually between 2 and 12 kits. Gestation is 32 days.

How many inches does a lop rabbit have?

there are five breeds of lops and they are all different sizes

Can you list all the known rabbit breeds?

American American Fuzzy Lop English Angora French Angora Giant Angora Satin Angora American Sable Belgian Hare Beveren Blanc de Hotot Polish Silver Silver Fox Silver Marten Tan Rex Mini Rex Holland Lop Mini Lop Jersey Wooley Dwarf Hotot Dutch English Spot Rhinelander Britannia Petite Checkered Giant Harlequin Californian Himalayan Lilac Netherland Dwarf English Lop French Lop Flemish Giant Standard Chinchilla Giant Chinchilla American Chinchilla Creme d' Argent Champagne d' Argent Mini Satin Satin Thrianta New Zealand Havana Palomino Cinnamon Florida White

What is the difference between a dwarf lop rabbit and a normal lop rabbit?

There is no such thing as a dwarf lop. The smallest breed of lop rabbit is called the Holland Lop. They are approximately 4 pounds in weight. Hi, i you sound very experienced and i am only a novice ...but i breed and have started to show rabbits and dwarf lop and mini lop are two different size class of lops is smaller than dwarf. The ideal weight for a dwarf lop is 4lb 8oz...The maximum weight for a mini lop is 3lb 6oz. Hope this can shed some light on the mini / dwarf lop confusion! I'm sorry but you are confused unless the breed classes are different where you are from. I raise and show rabbits all over the United States and the classes and weights for lops are: American Fuzzy Lop - 4# max. weight English Lop - No max weight French Lop - No Max Weight Holland Lop - 4# max weight Mini Lop - 6 1/2 # max weight Where are you showing rabbits at? There are no dwarf lops in the US.