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Petrol has a boiling point of 38-204 degrees Centigrade, while diesel has a boiling point of >150 degrees centigrade.

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Q: What are the boiling point ranges of petrol and diesel?
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Who has the lowest boiling point fraction petrol or diesel?

Petrol, i guess because it has a lower boiling point than diesel

How do you separate diesel and petrol?

Distillation, Gasoline has a lower boiling-point, so it will separate-out first.

Why does diesel freeze quicker than petrol?

Diesel fuel and petrol/gasoline are similar; both of them are mainly mixtures of hydrocarbons. However, Diesel is considerably less volatile because it the compounds in it are of higher molecular weight; they have a higher boiling point ... and also a higher freezing point.

What is Petrol's boiling point?

2100 OC

What will be the state of melting point and boiling point of petrol?

Melting point it would liquefy, boiling point it would vaporize.

Which catches fire more quickly petrol or diesel?

petrol has a lower flash point and is more volatile than diesel.

Which has the lowest boiling point alcohol oxygen petrol?

Oxygen has the lowest boiling point of these. It is far below the boiling points of the others.

Is boiling point of diesel greater than water?

water max boiling is 100 c. and diesel max boiling is 365 c.

Is it more dangerous to spill petrol or diesel onto a hot vehicle exhaust pipe?

Petrol, it has a lower flash point and is more flammable than diesel

Flash point of diesel?

Diesel fuels have different chemical compositions, which affect the boiling point. Conventional diesel fuels usually have a boiling range of about 149 degrees C to 371 degrees C.

Does petrol or spirit evaporate faster?

Petrol evaporates faster than water at room temperature. this is because the boiling point of petrol is 95oC and water's boiling point is 100oC. As the boiling point of water is higher than that of petrol, petrol evaporates faster as it achieves its boiling point before water does.

What burns hotter gas or diesel?

Petrol first. it has a lower flash point than diesel.