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I( think they are called scuta

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Q: What are the bony plates on a sea turtle's shell called?
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Whats a turtles shell made from?

turtle shells are made from small, flat, bony shields or plates

Do turtles have backbones?

Yes they have a backbone. You can't see it because of his shell that protect them. Thanks!!

What are the bony plates of a starfish called?

where bony plates growth zone is found in..

Do turtles vertebrates?

Yes they do - they have a complete skeleton underneath the shell. The turtles shell is simply its rib-cage that has 'fused' into one continuous bony structure.

What protects a turtle?

It's shell. (It's body is shielded by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs)

What is the dinosaur with bony plates on its back CALLED?


What is a physical description of a turtle?

Turtles have a bony shell that covers the top and the bottom of their body. The can be rounded, flat, or some shapes in between. Many turtles have long necks and turtles come in many different sizes.

What is the Bony overlapping plates that covers the fish's body called?


What is the thin bony columns in spongy bones?

The thin bony columns are called trabeculae - flat plates with a lattice-like network of thin, bony columns lined with endosteum.

What is a burrowing animal covered with bony plates that act as armor?

A burrowing animal covered with bony plates that act as armor is called an armadillo. In Spanish, the word "armadillo" means "little armored one".

What is covered with bony plates?

Ankylosaurs are covered in bony plates, which are effective protection against predators. Some had bony tail clubs that could be used as weapons, too.

What is the name of the dinosaur that is bony-plated?

Stegosaurus had bony plates on its back and tail.