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Q: What are the breathing openings in the abdomens of insects?
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Grasshopper breathing structure?

Grasshoppers and most insects 'breath' though Spiracles located along the sides of their bodies. These openings feed a net of branching tubes that get oxygen directly into the insects body and tissues.

Insects have little holes on their abdomens to take in oxygen and these holes are called?


Insects have little holes along their abdomens to take in oxygen . These holes are?


What is a campodeid?

A campodeid is a member of the Campodeidae, a group of six-legged, eyeless insects with segmented abdomens.

What is the abdomen larger than in insects?

The head and the thorax of insects are the two body parts that are smaller than the much larger abdomens that accommodate internal structures necessary for the equivalents of breathing, digesting and reproducing. The head, as the first part, contains the components necessary for eating and sensing. The thorax, as the second part, is compared to an engine or motor because of its support to legs and wings.

Do insects have abdomens?

yes. insects have three body segments, a head, a thorax, and an abdomen.

What is the name of the holes in human nose?

The two breathing openings in the nose are "nostrils."

What are breathing tubes in insects called?


What is a insect trachea?

trachea is the breathing of insects

How do mosquitoes get their oxygen?

Like all insects, mosquitoes do not have lungs but instead have small holes in their abdomens called spiracles. Oxygen enters through these.

How does a fly breathe?

Spiracles - small openings in the abdomen- go into trachae - breathing pipes