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Q: What are the bunched up areas of particles called in a longitudinal wave?
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What is the distances between compression and rarefaction of longitudinal wave?

Compression is the areas where the particles are closer together. Rarefaction is the areas where the particles are stretched apart.

Passive transport that moves particles away from areas is called what?

Diffusion is the form of passive transport that moves particles away from areas with more particles into areas with fewer particles.

What particles move from areas where there a lot of them to areas where there are fewer of them?

they are called moving particles.

How do particles move from areas where there are alot of them to areas where there are fewer of them?

The random movement of particles which happens all the time ensures that they move into any space between other particles. This is called diffusion.

What are the stretched areas of a longitudinal wave?


The movement of particles from areas of high concetration to areas of low concetration is called?

Active transport usually involves the movement of particles from high to low concentration.

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What are the areas around earth where particles from the sun are trapped called?

Van Allen Radiation Belt

What type of passive transport is when molecules move from where there are more of them to an area where there are less?

Diffusion is the form of passive transport that moves particles away from areas with more particles into areas with fewer particles.

How does sound waves travel and produce sound?

Sound waves traveling through air are indeed longitudinal waves with compressions and rarefactions. As sound passes through air (or any fluid medium), the particles of air donot vibrate in a transverse manner.Soundis produced when something vibrates. The vibrating body causes the medium (water, air, etc.) around it to vibrate. Vibrations in air are called traveling longitudinal waves, which we can hear. Sound waves consist of areas of high and low pressure called compressions and rarefactions, respectively.

What is passive transport that moves particles away from areas with more particles into areas with fewer particles in order to spead them out?

You are describing the process of diffusion.

What is an area of charged particles that is formed as one effect of the magnetic lines of force around the earth called?

Such areas are called Van Allen belts.