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If you want cancer eat radioactive isotopes.

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Q: What are the cancer nutrients?
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Do you get cancer from vegetables?

You will not get cancer from vegetables, but you might become more susceptible to cancer if there are pesticides on them. Some vegetables actually contain nutrients that help prevent cancer.

What are the functions nutrients?

Nutrients are important to maintaining metabolism. They also help fight off diseases, such as cancer, high blood pressure and heart disease.

What occurs at cancer at a cellular level?

Basically a cancer cell is a cell that it is out of control and invades tissues in uncontrolled reproduction taking over blood and nutrients supplies.

What purpose do biological therapies have in treating cancer?

Biological therapies are a new and promising direction for cancer cures. Usually when cancer cells grow they manage to derive a blood supply that allows passage of nutrients promoting continuation of abnormal cancer growth.

What is the mass of cells that grows within your lungs that robs nutrients and obstructs air flow?

umm... cancer?

How do cancer cells spread to a new location?

Nearby blood vessels provide nutrients to the tumor and carry cancer cells to new locations.

are food and diet good or bad for cancer diet?

Certain types of foods and diets can be bad for cancer patients. Those with cancer are advised to stay away from processed foods and foods that have been stripped of their natural nutrients.

Which of the following is a feature of water and nutrition?

Generated from oxidation of energy nutrients

What is the difference between cancer cells and normal cells?

Cancer cells normally have a defect in their receptor proteins on the membrane. There are several growth receptors on the surface of cells, and if one of them is faulty, cancer may form. The cancerous mass will continue to divide if there is no negative feedback from the cells surrounding it. In addtition to not being able to receive normal signals that regulate the cell cycle, cancer cells do not stop dividing when growth factors are depleted, simply put cancer cells don't require nutrients to grow, however they may still receive nutrients. As long as a cancer cell is provided with nutrients they may grow indefinately until some random point in the cycle where they may stop, rather then stopping at checkpoints in the normal cell cycle, making them somewhat "immortal". These are the most common differences in cancer cells and normal cells.

Why are cancer patients often susceptible to disease?

Cancer cells consume lot of nutrients out of the body of the patient. The patient becomes debilitated due to cancer. His immune system is adversely affected very much. So they become susceptible to various infections and other diseases.

Why do cancer cells need so much blood?

Cancer cells don't need much more blood than any other cell - the problem is when there is a collection of cancer cells in a tumor. The tumor as a whole is rapidly dividing (usually), so it needs a great deal of energy and nutrients to do that. Nutrients are brought into the body's tissues by circulating blood, which is why many tumors develop angiogenesis properties (the ability to create new blood vessels).

How does nutrition affect the recovery of cancer patients?

bad nutrition contributes to cancer. Without the proper nutrients needed to do their job, our bodies are fighting a losing battle to keep us healthy, the result being sickness and disease