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Q: What are the causes and effect of the 1520 Luther is excommunicated in 1521 he is declared an utlaw and a heretic?
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What happened to marthin luhter?

Martin Luther escaped martyrdom, and died of natural causes.

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Congress declared war on Britain on June 18, 1812.

Did Martin Luther King die of natural causes?

no his wife put poision in his drink! what do you think. (gosh)

What was Martin Luther King's causes of death date and place?

Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was trying to help the striking garbage workers.

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Martin Luther King Jr did not died of natural causes; He was assassinated outside his hotel room in Memphis Tennessee he was only 39 Y.O

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HIV was declared a new disease in 1981. The virus that causes it was identified in 1983.

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Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses complaining about the Catholic Church, and because of this many countries changed religions causing the reformation.

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Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses complaining about the Catholic Church, and because of this many countries changed religions causing the reformation.

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A white racist who did not like how he preached. His march for civil rights. Equality for Africans Americans The leader for African Americans.

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After years of studies and investigations by the Sacred Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican, the pope can approve the canonization of the person as a saint.

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