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Q: What are the causes of civil war from confederate perspective?
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What were the 3 causes the Civil War?

Three Proximate Causes of the Civil War are John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry, Lincoln's Election, and the Secession of the Confederate States.

How many Confederate soldiers died from diseases during the American Civil War?

Approximately 164,000 Confederate soldiers died from disease and other non-combat causes during the American Civil War. Dysentery alone killed 50,000 confederate troops.

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Where did the confederate war end?

after civil war

Is there any Civil War word that starts with Q?

William A. Quarles was a Confederate General during the Civil War. Confederate Captain William Quantrill and his "Quantrill's Raiders" were Confederate soldiers during the Civil War.

During the civil war where was the capital of the confederate states?

Richmond was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.

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Who was the president of the the confederate states during the civil war?

Jefferson Davis served as President of the Confederate States throughout the Civil War.

How many soilders died during the civil war?

About 365,000 Union soldiers and 260,000 Confederate soldiers died during the Civil War. This includes all causes of death, not just combat.

What was the confederate anthem during the civil war?

Dixie was the Confederate anthem.

Why are the confederate states important during civil war?

The Civil War was a war between the Confederate States of America and the Union. So, the Confederate states were important because they were one of the two warring countries.

What Confederate State was the primary battleground in the Civil War in the West?

Virginia was the confederate state that was primarily the battleground in the civil war in the west. IMPROVEMENT. Tennessee was the primary battleground of the Civil War in the West.