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Causes of intensive farming include:

  • Consumer demand
  • A desire to meet demands for meat by producing a lot of product in a limited amount of time
  • A need for profit and income in agriculture
  • Ignorance or lack of knowledge about how to keep soil and plants healthy without chemical influence
  • Limited experience with conservative/sustainable farming methods
  • The belief that the acreage should always produce the highest yields at whatever "cost" to the health of the soil and plants
  • Limited acreage; limited space to farm
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Q: What are the causes of intensive farming?
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What does intensive farming do to the planet?

die and dry up It causes soil erosion and degradation.

Are calves taken away from their mothers in intensive farming?

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Where does intensive farming happen?

Intensive farming can happen anywhere, usually where there is a high number of rain to keep the crops healthy, although not too much rain to over water them. It is also common you see intensive farming in areas with good soil, and less polution (away from factories and businesses).

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Where does intensive farming happen in the UK?


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