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June Douglas

Lvl 13
1y ago
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15y ago

they are not close to each other so they do not occur

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12y ago

the succession take place with an ecosystem and you know what?

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6y ago

what are the types of plant succession depends on nature of habitats

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11y ago

Succession of plants is meant to stablize an ecosystem. To begin with crustaceous plants grow on the moist rocks succeded by herbs, shrubs and ultimately trees.

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Why succesion accurs?

Succesion accurs is nature. This is plants and animals.

What is primary succesion?

A primary succesion is an area that has not been previously occupied by a community.

What are some disturbences that cause secondary succesion?

Some of the causes are tornadoes, floods, fires, and hurricanes, etc. anything that causes an ecosystem to be destroyed and be totally rebuild-ed is secondary succession!

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property own by succesion

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Inherited means gained by succesion or by a will

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through secondary succesion

What is the first step in secondary succesion?

it takes a long time

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any plant

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Its causes the plant to die.

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