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Friendly, polite, sensible, kind, helpful, loud, bossy.

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Q: What are the certain words that describes a person?
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Adjectives are words that describe other words. For example, He was a terrible person. Terrible describes person. Terrible is describing what type of person.

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A first person narrator is the person telling the story; they use words like "I" and "we."

What word describes an individual that hires only friends and family?

The practice itself is known as NEPOTISM, but I'm not certain that there is a particular noun that describes the person.

Is there any words that describes a person that starts with the letter Y?

· young · youthful

What describes a certain place?

The Physical Properties can describe a noun. Like a Person, thing, animal, or place

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Status is determined by a person's birth into a certain class, tribe, or caste.

What are six words that describes a person's sense of touch?

six words can be smooth, soft , chilling, nice, velvet , and gentle

How to not stutter on certain words and my own name?

To reduce stuttering on certain words, practice saying them slowly and deliberately. Focus on breathing techniques to control your speech and try relaxation exercises to reduce anxiety. For stuttering on your own name, try using a nickname or a variation of your name that is easier for you to say fluently.