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You are quite fertile then so the chances are quite high

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Q: What are the chances of becoming pregnant the eleventh day after your period?
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Related questions

What are the chances of being pregnant if your having a regular period?

when a person is having unprotected sex, the chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, no matter what the regulation of periods or ovulation dates are.

Can you be pregnant if you don't have a period the week after?

if you are having unprotected sex, your chances of becoming pregnant are 100%, do not count on a 'safe time" or ovulation dates.

When is the best time to get prego?

It's entirely up to you! The chances of becoming pregnant are much higher if you have intercourse about a week or so before your period.

If you've had intercourse on day 6 after your period is there any chances of becoming pregnant and will it be a girl my last period is on May 25?

Yes you could be pregnant if you had sex without BC - See link for gender prediction. Good Luck.

Can you get pregnant eve if you didn't get your period?

No, if you did not have sex than no chances of getting pregnant. But if you had sex than there might be chances, or it might be delayed period.

If your on your period can you still get pregnant?

When you are on/having your period, it is usually when you have one of the highest chances of getting pregnant.

What are the chances of becoming pregnant if the first day of your last period was July 5th and you had intercourse July 13th and July 21st?

not very high but you can if you keep on tring.

Will you get pregnant a week after your period?

The chances are very high

Can you still be pregnant when break through period?

Yes,you can still get pregnant on your period,although the chances may be lower than if you were

What are the chances of pregnancy if your on your period?

Can Women Get Pregnant During Menstruation?

Can you get pregnant as soon as you get off your period while also using a condom?

Yes.everytime u have sex you are at a risk of pregnancy.the only way to not get pregnant is to practice abstinence.but using a condo and other birth control methods reduce the chances of actually becoming pregnant .

What are the chances of getting pregnant right after your period if your boyfriend came in you?

You could be pregnant - take a test