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Q: What are the chances of carrying a baby full term if you get pregnant after a tubal?
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When can you have a baby after you had your tubes tides?

Typically, you cant have a baby after you've had your tubes tied. .unless somehow the tubal fails. If the tubal fails, that could happen at any point after having the procedure, and you could get pregnant. Research, says your chances of getting pregnant again after a tubal increase 10 yrs after the tubal, but your chances are still less than 2%

Your husband had a vescictomy and you have had a tubal What are your chances of having a baby?

I was told there is a 2% chance having a baby.

What is the chances of a pregnancy going normal if you have your tubes clamped and get pregnant?

Your doctor will be able to tell if the baby is implanted in the correct place. The risk of ectopic pregnancy is 12.5% for women who have had a tubal ligation--but chances of pregnancy are much less to begin with.

Can you have a laparoscopic tubal ligation if you are pregnant and dont want the baby?

I suppose you could if you could find a doctor who would do it. If you are asking, "Will a tubal ligation get rid of the baby?", then, no. The baby is forming below the Fallopian tubes.

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Can you be pregnant with twins and have one baby be tubal and deliver the other baby?

Yes, I believe so... I'm not positive though.

What are the chances of getting pregnant after having a tubal 8 years ago?

I had my tubes cut tied and burnt in Sept 03. I got pregnant with my son in June of 06. The doctor swore i had a hole in my tubes and that it would never happen again. I was pregnant again in August of 07. I miscarried that baby. The doctor still stuck by his word that my tubes were still tied it wouldn't happen again. I am now pregnant for the third time since my tubal. Guess the doc was wrong.

You are already tubal ligation but you want to have one more baby if possible for you to get pregnant again what you need to do?

you could either have a tubal reversal or try ivf. a tubal reversal would be cheaper, but you would have to use protection or get your tubes tied again.

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You had a tubal 3 years ago you now have a positive pregnancy test What are chances for a normal pregnancy?

The tubal ligation you had in the past, would only interfere with conception not a current pregnancy. Since you already are pregnant, the previous ligation should not cause any problem to your developing baby.Since a baby implants in the uterus and not the tube, the ligation is a non-issue with a developing fetus.

What are the chances of delivering a healthy baby after having your tubes tied and burned and if you have a tubal pregnancy can you carry successfully through a tubal pregnancy?

Personally i don't think it's possible to carry a baby successfully in your tube, that would be an etopic pregnancy and if left untreated it can be dangerous. my sister was three months when she lost the baby cuz it was in her tube and the doctor said there is no way that would be possible the baby needsa utuerus to grow the tubes isn't just gonna do it..hope that helps! I have had my tubal done now 16 years an i think im just to afraid to find out currently im awaiting my reaults,,i will keep you posted best of luck!!!AnswerHello there! I have heard of many women who get pregnant and have the baby healthy after having a tubal ligation. I think the failure rate is a little higher than the doctors say. But hey what do I know? lol....I'm not a doctor. I had a tubal(cut and burned)6 years ago and 2 months ago I did get pregnant....I did end up miscarrying...but the whole thing is the sperm met the egg and made it to my uterus which would not have happened if the tubes was blocked as it is supposed to be. So I am not convinced that a tubal ligation is as effective as they say. Hope this adds a little food for thought. Thanks...Lisa

Have any ever gave birth to a child with their tubes being tide?

Yes, it's possible to get pregnant and deliver a baby after tubal ligation.