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No, there's no connection between the reproductive organs and the gastrointestinal tract in humans.

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Q: What is the chance of Getting pregnant if semen got in my vagina?
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Is there a chance of getting pregnant if the semen drips from the anus to the vagina but you wipe it?

It's quite small, but there is a chance of getting pregnant that way.

Can you get pregnant if you do it from the back?

As long as the penis and/or semen is in contact with the vagina, there is the chance you may get pregnant.

Is there a high chance that you can get pregnant if semen drips from the anus but your not entirely sure if it touched the vagina?

NO, the semen wont do deep enough to make you pregnant. just a very low chance.

Can A girl get pregnant from outercourse?

Semen has to be inside the vagina for you to get pregnant.

Can premature ejaculations effect a man from getting a woman pregnant?

No. As long as there is semen ejaculated into the vagina, there are a possibility of pregancy.

What are the chances of getting pregnant by getting semen on the finger and sticking it up a girl's vagina. I really need to know the percentage here?

Semen is sperm, and all it needs to do to get a girl pregnant is be fresh and be introduced to the vagina. So yes. changes are just as much as if you would have ejaculated in the vagina. There are millions and millions of sperm a droplet of sperm and there only needs to be one to fertilize and egg and get a girl pregnant.

You were on your period and he was wearing a condom and he didn't penetrate just rubbed around with his penis but after you were done you didn't bleed much after that can you be pregnant?

Pregnancy occurs when semen enters the vagina and fertilizes an egg, and then only. If no semen entered your vagina (or the area outside your vagina, since sperm can swim), there is no chance you can get pregnant. If the condom was put on properly and did not break, there is an extremely low chance you can be pregnant. If you did not bleed much after intercourse, most likely it is coincidence that your cycle was almost over.

If the condom broke and his sperm went in you and you still feel wet a day later is there a chance of being pregnant?

If semen came into contact with the vagina, there is always the chance that you may become pregnant. A sensation of wetness makes no difference whatsoever.

Can sucking a girls vagina make the girl pregnant?

In order for a girl to be able to get pregnant, sperm/semen needs to be involved. This only comes from the penis, so only if you introduce semen to the vagina, is there a chance that pregnancy can occur

Can you get pregnant by getting semen on the Mons pubis?


Can you get pregnant if your husband comes out of you at the last stage of intercourse?

you have a chance of getting prenant at anytime semen goes into you it doesn't matter when or for how long or anything.

Can you get pregnant from a newspaper?

Only if there's fresh semen on it and you put it in your vagina or rub it against.