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If you used the ring correctly and consistently in the three weeks before the ring-free week, you have no decrease in protection during the ring-free week.

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Q: What are the chances of getting pregnant while using the nuva ring during your week free break?
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If the condom was used correctly, very low. Keep in mind, however, that you can become pregnant at any time during your cycle, including while on your period. Contraceptives lower the odds considerably when used at any point throughout your menstrual cycle when used correctly.

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Condom are considered to be 90% to 97% effective (depending on who you talk to). So even with proper condom use you have a 3% to 10% chance of getting pregnant. Most sources favor the 97% figure.

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To break up with a girl that is having your baby is not easy. The girl becomes close to person after getting pregnant. It is bad also to break up after getting her pregnant.

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That depends on what you are doing while you are near the sea during Holy Week. If you are on spring break and letting your guard (and morals) down, certainly you might get pregnant, but NOT from just being near the sea. The actual "getting pregnant" part is the same whether you are near the sea or not.

Is their any chance of getting pregnant even with the protection?

Depending on what type/ how much protection, there is usually always a chance of getting pregnant. If only a condom is being used, then it is absolutely still possible to get pregnant (the condom can break). The more protection used, the lesser the chance of getting pregnant, BUT the only way to prevent pregnancy 100% is not to engage is sexual intercourse at all.

Can i be pregnant if im on birth control?

Most birth control methods are very effective, but there is always a very slim chance of getting pregnant. For example, condoms can break, and the pills effectiveness can be lowered when taking antibiotics.

Can your water break while getting a pap smear done?

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