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It could be quite rare indeed.

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Q: What are the chances of two left handed children being born to two right handed parents?
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Both parents are o pos you are b negative?

The chances of their being your parents are negligible.

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children adressed their parents in colonial times by being very formal

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What are the odds of an entire family being left handed?

The chances depend on the genetics of the parents. For example, if the father of the soon-to-be child writes with his left hand and has a dominate left handed trait and the mother of the soon-to-be child writes with her left hand and has a dominate left handed trait than the child is suspected to write with his or her left hand. But like I said, it all depends on genetics.

How do children believe in Santa?

Through the blatant lies of their parents. Their parents being driven by the desire to keep their children in a state of ignorance.

What happend as a result of the parents quarrel over these children?

The children may feel stressed, upset, and confused due to the conflict between their parents. This can impact their emotional well-being and potentially strain their relationship with both parents. It is important for the parents to address the conflict in a healthy manner and prioritize the well-being of their children.

How important do parents feel diet is for children's well-being?

Some parents ignore diet completely other parents think it is a basic and integral part of their children's health.

What is offensive to Asian parents and children?

Anything that is perceived as being disrespectful.

How many adult children are being controlled today by their parents?

alot of them

What are the advantages and disadvantages of being seaman parents?

seaman children are autistic

What problem children face in nonlegal unions?

Children in nonlegal unions may face challenges in terms of inheritance rights, access to benefits, and legal protection if the relationship dissolves. Without the legal recognition of their parents' union, children may encounter difficulties related to custody, support, and other legal matters that can impact their well-being.

Is being left handed a handicap?

No, being left handed is not a handicap. Left handed people lead very good lives.