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Q: What are the changes in DNA sequences that affect genetic information known as?
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What is the changes in a DNA sequence that affect genetic information?


Does the amount of chromosomes in a species affect its rate of evolution?

The "rate" of evolution is most accurately gauged in terms of divergence between genetic sequences. Chromosomes are basically groupings of such sequences. It is certainly possible that the number and order of these groupings affect future developments (for instance: polyploidy and chromosomal fusions can affect speciation events), but they do little to affect the overall "rate" of divergence.

Why do systems need replacement?

An organisation operating in an open environment is constantly influenced by changes that affect the information produced by the information system. Therefore the information system needs to be replaced, because if it is not replaced that information contained will not be accurate. For example the typical changes that would influence the information produced by the information system in an environment are: * Technological changes * Business environment changes * Competition * Organisational growth * Changes in the activities of the business

Why changes that take place in a sperm cell or an egg cell can affect an embryo?

Because changes in the genetic make up of sperm or egg will lead to the changes in the zygote also. Since embryo develops from the zygote, those changes in the sperm or egg are reflected in the embryo also.

How does migration affect the genetic equilibrium of a population?

Migration affects the genetic equilibrium of a population by maintaining it.

An error in genetic information present in a body cell of a mammal would most likely produce?

a mutation that will affect the synthesis of a certain protein in the cell

How does the rate of translation of genetic information affect the protein production?

what was the question again i was kind of busy with having to listen to your mom scream when she got it in the butt

How many genes do bacteria have?

Humans share with other organisms (animals and plants)different percentages of genes, for instance, we share about 98 percent of our human genes with chimpanzees, 92 percent with furry mice, and 44 percent with fruit flies.

How will being born premature affect your abilities to have children?

There are many medical reasons why people are born premature, but there is not a genetic cause so there is no affect to your future children. If the reason had a genetic foundation that may have an affect, but otherwise no affect.

Can a poster tell you information?

Yes, a poster can give you details of an event that may be going on, or changes to a service that may affect you.

What genetic disorder results in protein abnormalities?

All genetic disorders affect the structure of proteins.

Do lifestyle choices affect scoliosis?

NO. They do not affect it. It is genetic so physical and mental health dose not affect it.