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it is important to go to school and learn new things to be able to make their own decisions, that it is important to treat everybody else like you would like to be treated by them. And far more...

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10y ago

King David was an extremely seductive person and has shown a side of evil to him. That being said he was still had a good character. He had an affair with his best friend's wife (seductive quality) and then sent his friend towards the frontlines of the fighting to ensure his death (evil aspect). However, he was a courageous leader that stood up for his people. This was especially shown when he stood up to the goliath and saved his people from an almost certain destruction. He led many battles and began a prosperous era for the Israelites, killing many enemies.

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7y ago

David was a fierce fighter on the battlefield who showed endurance under hardships, a leader and commander strong and unwavering in courage in God.

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