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A simple circuit consists of a source of electro motive force ( EMF or voltage V )

This could be a battery,dynamo or solar cell. The circuit should do something, like light a lamp. For the lamp to glow there must be a flow of electrons called an electric current measure in Amperes (I). For the current to flow the circuit must form a closed loop, like a daisy chain. A switch is a device that breaks this loop and controls the state of the circuit.

Closed circuit, switch closed, = lamp on

Open circuit, switch not closed = lamp off

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The following are definitely examples of a simple circuit:-A resistor hooked across a battery-A lit bulbThe following might be examples of a simple circuit:-A Logic gate has one or more inputs and one or more outputs but is not necessarily a simple circuit within the chip containing it.

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A simple circuit consists of a power source (such as a battery), a load (such as a light bulb), and wires connecting them in a complete loop. When the circuit is closed, the power source provides electricity to the load, causing it to operate.

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