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The element calcium (Ca) is found in Group 2 of the peroidic table, and that makes it an alkaline earth metal. It is fairly reactive, and is not found free in nature. In compounds, it forms the +2 ion as it readily loans out its two valence electrons.

Calcium is a silver metal, but if exposed to air, it will rapidly corrode at it reacts with nitrogen and oxygen. In doing so, it will form a nitride and oxide coating. This metal is extremely common in nature (though in its ionic form in compounds), and it is an essential element for life. Aside from its reactivity as cited, it will burn brightly, though it is difficult to set ablaze. In burning, it will display a bright brick-red flame and cannot be extinguished with water.

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they react vigorously with water to give off oxygen. They are good reducing agents. They react with halogens. They form basic oxide.

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