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Q: What are the characteristics of mud huts?
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What are mud huts?

they are small houses made frome dried mud. mud huts are houses made of cow dung(poo) and dirt.

Where in the world do people live in mud huts?

where do people live in mud huts Africa India

When were mud huts used?

Mud huts have been used for thousands of years by various cultures around the world. They are a traditional form of shelter, built with mud, clay, and other natural materials. Mud huts are still used today in some parts of the world where traditional building techniques are preserved.

What are mud huts made of?


Have you facts about african mud huts?


In what countries do people live in mud huts?

Countries in Africa have people that are so poor that all they can afford to live in is mud huts.

Does everyone in nigeria live in a mud hut?

Yeah and corn huts. Acorn huts.

What are Nigerian huts made from?

straw and mud

What are mud huts in Kenya called?


Have you any facts about african mud huts?

African mud huts are traditional dwellings made from a combination of mud, clay, sticks, thatch, and sometimes cow dung. These huts are known for their natural cooling properties, offering protection from the harsh African climate. Many African tribes still use mud huts as their primary form of housing due to their affordability and sustainability.

What kind of housing did the inuit tribe have?

mud huts

Where did mud huts come from?

Mud huts have been used as dwellings for thousands of years by various cultures across the world. They are made by shaping mud or clay into bricks or walls and then drying them in the sun or baking them to form a sturdy structure. Mud huts are a traditional form of housing that has been adapted to different environments and climates.