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First of all, we are in what the scientists call the 'Goldilocks zone' because we are in the small region of space which is cold enough to hold water without it boiling, and warm enough to allow it to stay a liquid.

Secondly, there is the atmosphere which contains 20% oxygen, allowing is to breathe and 78% Nitrogen, 1% Argon, 0.04% Carbon dioxide and various other gases.

The atmosphere also blocks harmful radiation from the sun, such as the ozone layer blocking much Ultra violet radiation from reaching us. This atmosphere also prevents meteors from hitting the earth, producing shooting stars.

There is also the abundance of plants which use the light from the sun to photosynthesise and produce oxygen, enriching our atmosphere. It is thought that if plants were to be put on Saturn's moon Titan, the mainly nitrogen atmosphere would begin to contain oxygen and therefore allow life to develop.

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Q: What are the characteristics properties of earth that make life possible as we know it?
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