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They are Unicellular.

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Q: What are the characteristics that the Protozoa shares with most protists?
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Do protists have cell walls?

There is no longer a Kingdom of Protists. They are not a monophyletic group (clade). So, the answer is some do some don't. Algae (a type of photosynthetic protist) tend to have a cell wall. Protozoa (the animal like protists) do not. Most single cell protozoa have a pellicle to protect the cell.

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Is most of the worlds oyxgen produced by protozoa?

No , most of Protozoa are not photosynthetic hence can't produce O2 .

Are protists parasites?

not all, but most protists are parasites

Are protozoa decomposer?

Only some protozoa are decomposers as giant Amoeba . Most protozoa are saprotrophic , some parasitic and some photosynthetic .

What characteristics make a protist more animal-like?

1.)most unicellular 2.)some are multicellular 3.)some are multicellular (algoe) 4.)can be heterotrophic or outorophic 5.)most are in water (though some live in moist soil or even the human body 6.)All are eukaryotic (have nucleus)

Are protists animals?

No. Animals are multicellular. Protists are unicellular.