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Q: What are the chemoreceptors involved in respiratory regulation and where are they located?
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Where are the central chemoreceptors located?

Central chemoreceptors of the central nervous system are located on the ventrolateral medullary surface.

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What exerts controls on the respiratory rhythm?

The respiratory rhythm is controlled by the respiratory center located in the brainstem, which receives input from chemoreceptors that sense levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and pH in the blood. Additionally, input from higher brain centers and stretch receptors in the lungs also affect the respiratory rhythm.

What contains reflex centers involved in regulation respiratory rhythm in conjunction with lower brain stem centers?

The medulla oblongata, located in the brain stem, contains reflex centers that are involved in regulating the respiratory rhythm in conjunction with other lower brain stem centers. These centers help coordinate the muscles involved in breathing to ensure proper oxygen intake and carbon dioxide removal.

Chemoreceptors that regulate breathing are located in the?

In the AORTA and in the CAROTID ARTERY

Where are the Chemoreceptors located for the detection of low oxygen in the body?

Chemoreceptors that detect low oxygen levels in the body are located in the carotid bodies, which are small clusters of cells located near the carotid arteries in the neck, and in the aortic bodies near the aortic arch. These chemoreceptors send signals to the brain to trigger breathing adjustments to increase oxygen intake.

What regulates respiration?

Respiration is primarily regulated by the concentration of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. Chemoreceptors, located in the brain and major blood vessels, monitor these levels and send signals to the respiratory centers in the brainstem to adjust breathing rate and depth accordingly. Additionally, factors such as pH levels and emotional stress can also influence respiratory regulation.

Will difficulty in breathing reflect damage to respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?

No, difficulty in breathing is not typically associated with damage to the respiratory centers located in the cerebellum. The cerebellum is primarily involved in coordinating motor movements and balance, not respiration. Damage to the respiratory centers located in the brainstem, particularly in the medulla oblongata, is more likely to affect breathing function.

Where is the respiratory center located?

The respiratory center is located in the pons and the medulla oblongata.

When you sniff to help you detect or identify odors you are?

forcing air to the top of the nasal cavity where olfactory chemoreceptors are located.

What does chemoreceptors respond to?

An example of direct chemoreceptors are the cells located on the tongue. When people taste food, it is because these cells respond to the chemicals in the food, sending a signal to thebrain to let the brain know about what's happening in the mouth. Specific regions of the mouth have areas which are targeted towards specific tastes, such as salty and sweet. This explains why foods can taste different as they are chewed and swallowed, and also why some foods have an aftertaste, as certain chemicals can take longer to stimulate the chemoreceptors.