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Q: What are the clinical significance of the cranial sutures?
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Where is the area where cranial bones join together?

Cranial bones join at sutures.

Articulations between cranial bones are?


What is another name for skull sutures?

The cranial sutures are fibrous joints, also known as synarthroses.

When do the cranial sutures fuse completely?

The cranial sutures are band if tissue that are not fused together when babies are born. The cranial sutures fuse completely together around the age of 2.

What is the area where two or more bones join together?

The immovable joints between the cranial bones are called sutures.

Must a joint allow movement between two bones to be called a joint?

No, some joints, such as the cranial sutures, are immovable.

What is a immovoble joint?

A type of joint that is immovable is called a synarthrotic joint. An example would be the sutures between the cranial bones.

What is the joint between the jaw and the skull?

the cranial fibrous, cartilaginous, and synovial joints.immovable joints

What cranial bone is not sutured?

All cranial bones are joined by sutures with some bones having Sharpey's fibres giving a degree of flexability to some joints but even these joints are still sutures. The part of the skull that is not sutured is the mandible (the jaw) but then this structure is not actually a part of the cranium. The cranium is the portion of the skull that contains the brain.

What cranial bone articulates with all other cranial bones?

The Sphenoid (Sphenoidal Bone) this is why it is know as the keystone of the cranial floor *The sphenoid is not a facial bone, it is a cranial bone. There is no facial bone which 'articulates' with 'every other facial bone'. Articulation suggests jointed so sutures would make more sense & these sutures would be on all facial bones edges which knit them together

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What are two names for the small bones that are trapped within a suture?

Wormian or sutural bones are located in sutures between certain cranial bones.