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Well I wanted to know the same thing because I think my metabolism has soared today. Ive just started doing uphill interval sprints today (it was tough).

Anyway I AM STARVING and also CANNOT SLEEP. Had to get up to eat. I weighed myself and im 2 pounds lighter than I was today!

Ive experienced this before...usually when im doin tonnes of cardio. I get so hungry that I can't sleep and I end up eating in the middle of the night. But hey...I STILL lose.

The hunger is very strange...not the usual build up but more of a "hunger explosion" that just cannot be body is screaming "FEED ME".

Also...I SWEAT VERY EASILY in response to exercise. Im always drenched within 5 mins while everyone else has little beads of sweat on their foreheads after 1/2 an hour.

Also include more bowel movements and longer urine passes.

I also notice my face looks thinner while im feelin that extreme hunger...then when I eat, it springs back to normal.

Im no expert but this is what happens to me a couple of days before I get all the "'ve lost weight" responses.

I am apparantly very "hardcore" when I exercise tho and I always go to the point of "muscle failure". Also...I don't eat many carbs.

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Q: What are the clinical signs of a massive increase in metabolism?
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