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Q: What are the comets called that orbit the sun every 200 years or less?
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What do scientists call comets that orbit the sun every 200 years or more?

Long-period comet

Comets that appear within every 200 years are called comets?

long period comet

How long does in take for haileys comet take to orbit the earth?

Halley's Comet orbits the sun, not the earth, roughly every 76 years.

What is a small icy body usually with an elliptical orbit and a tail when near to the sun?

The tail is not of light itself, but consists of icy particles (mostly gas) reflecting light from the sun. Such objects are known as comets. Comets that originate from the Kuiper Belt, a ring of dirty ice balls in orbit out beyond Neptune, are short period comets. They orbit the sun once a century or so, until all the ice and gas burn off and they probably become asteroids. Comets from much further out (the Oort Cloud) generally do not orbit in the plane of the solar system, and are usually long period comets. These orbit only once every few thousand years, sometimes only once per hundred thousand years or more.

Time for comets to orbit the sun in years?

Variable. From tens of years to hundreds and probably thousands

The amount of time it takes for a comet to complete its orbit?

33 years.

How often do comets fly by earth?

every 76 years

How far do comets travel?

Through space. Comets have a period in which they orbit the Sun in an elongated ellipse, some have long periods, e.g. Halley's Comet, 75 years.

When have comets been spotted over the last 100 years?

Typically, several comets are spotted every year.

Has a comet ever came twice?

yes, comets orbit the sun, so we are always seeing them. some even takes millions of years to orbit the sun.

How long could a long period comets take to orbit around the Sun?

Possibly hundreds of thousands of years.

Why are comets not seen very often in the night sky?

Comets have wide orbital paths, they are great balls of ice and dust that can take hundreds of years to complete one orbit.