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Password ManagerRemember site passwords without ever seeing a pop-up. One-Click Bookmarking

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Q: What are the common features of a web browser?
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What is the mozilla's web browser?

The most often talked about browser devoloped by Mozilla is Firefox. They also have a less common browser called SeaMonkey which actually has a lot of useful features.

What are the features of a web browser?

Searches for websites that you have never visited

What is the name of the web browser produced by Google?

Google has created a browser called Google Chrome. It is very fast and has various unique features.

What is an example of a web browser?

An example of a web browser would be Microsoft Explorer, which is one of the most common. ---- * Internet Explorer * Mozilla Firefox * Opera * Safari * Google Chrome

Is web looker a web browser?

No , weblooker is not a web browser :)

Is the opera web browser free to use?

Yes it is personally i have used it as my web browser

Is Google Chrome a search engine or a web browser?

Chrome is a web browser.

When was Web - web browser - created?

Web - web browser - was created on 2003-09-11.

What are the hardware specs of the nokia 6020?

The Nokia 6020 features a 0.3 Megapixel camera, 3.5 megabytes of internal memory, and an HTML Web browser. However, the device doesn't support Bluetooth and lacks other common features. It was released in 2004, though.

Is Unix a web browser?

Unix is a text file, not a web browser. :)

What is the software that enables you to view webpages?

A web browser

What is the most common way to moving around the web?

The most common way to move around the web is by using a web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Users can type in website addresses or click on links to navigate to different web pages. Additionally, search engines like Google are commonly used to search for specific information on the web.