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Q: What are the common of dead sea in Great Salt Lake?
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What is common about dead sea and the great salt lake?

Very salty.

What do the Great Salt Lake and Dead Sea have in common?

Both the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea are salt lakes. Both lakes are also endorheic basins as well, meaning that they are a closed drainage basin that retains water and allows no outflow to other bodies of water. Both lakes are hypersaline too, meaning that they have high salinity, or dissolved salt content.

Is it easier to float in the Pacific Ocean or in Lake Tahoe?

The Great Salt Lake. The Great Salt Lake has such a high salt concentration that it is easy to float. In fact, the old slogan of the Saltair Resort (a tourist spot at the Great Salt Lake) was "Try to Sink!!"

What countries have salt water lakes?

US for one has the Great Salt Lake and Israel the Dead Sea.

Does Salt Lake City lake have salt water?

The Great Salt Lake in Salt Lake City is salty. It is one of the most salty lakes in the world. Probably the Dead Sea is the only body of water that is saltier in the world.

Is the dead sea fresh water?

The Great Salt Lake is located in the northern part of Utah. It is the largest salt water lake in the Western Hemisphere.

Does the lake have salt water in it?

No, all LAKES are freshwater. OCEANS are saltwater. Lake Michigan is a freshwater lake, but the answer above is false. See, for example, or

Is the Dead Sea a salt lake?

yes the dead sea is the largest salt lake in asia

Is the dead sea saltier than the Great Salt Lake?

the dead sea it is saltier than any thing.

Is Great Salt Lake water really salty?

Yes, it is. And it is not the only landlocked body of salt water in the world. The Dead Sea and the Caspian Sea are two others Lake eyer is another in Australia, when it is full it has a very high concentration of salt.

Why does the Great Salt Lake have salt when none of the other lakes do?

The Great Salt Lake, unlike other lakes, has no outlet. Any water flowing into the lake only leaves by evaporation. Over time, the minute traces of salt in the incoming water get concentrated. The Dead Sea is another example of this.

How did salt get in the Dead Sea?

Salt got into the Dead Sea because the area of it and its surroundings were once part of a vast ocean. The same goes for the Great Salt Lake in the state of Utah.