

What are the condiments packaged within a survival knife?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are the condiments packaged within a survival knife?
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The best survival pocket knife to buy would easily be the Swiss Army knife, and the largest version that they make. This survival pocket knife has every tool in which a person could need in order to survive on their own in the wilderness.

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You can wear this knife as part of your official flying uniform. So says the card issued to me with the knife in 1972.

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Can you take a survival knife to the woods?

as long as it is for survival uses only then you are aloud to take to the woods but you must be 12 or over

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The difference between a survival knife and regular knife is fairly obvious. Survival knives usually have a fixed blade, the handle may be hollow to hold items that could be used. A survival knife is mainly to help in an emergency situation as a regular knife would be a smaller blade used for eating or cooking.