

What are the consanants?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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12y ago

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Any letter in the alphabet except the letters a, e, i, o, and u

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What is a list of words with double consanants?

Examples of words with double consonants:abbreviationacceptallureassumeaffableaggressiveanniversaryballetbarrettebubblebabblebobblecuddlecattlecrabbychubbycoffeecellarcollarcallousdollardilldimmerellipseflattenflabbyfloppyfoggyflutterfrazzleflatterflammablegabbyhappyhasslehammerissueillinnjollylullladderletterlattermaggotmuzzleoccupyoffoddpaddlepuzzlepuddleparrotpuffquillquellrallyreallyrapportsummerslobbersaddlesettlesuddenshippedsnappedtabbytrippedtaffytoggleuddervolleyvalleywhiffwafflewrappedyellowyuccazappedzipper

Are there any words with four consanants in a row I can only think of thyme?

strength, stretchmarks, hitchhiker, rhyme, thymus

The shr and sion which is not a consonant blend?

A consonant blend is self-explanitory, it is a series of consanants that are pronounced all together, so 'shr' is a consonant blend, 'sion' is not a consonant blend.

What are consecutive consonants?

Vowels are a e i o u. Consonants are all the other letters in the alphabet. So consecutive consonants are consanants in the order they appear in the alphabet. They are:bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz

Is played a linking verb?

Yes, "played" can function as a linking verb when it connects the subject of a sentence to a subject complement that renames or describes the subject. For example, in the sentence "She played the piano beautifully," "played" links "she" to the subject complement "beautifully."

What 6 letter word has three consanants and three vowels?

Hundreds of 6 letter words include 3 vowels and 3 consonants. A few examples include animal, banana, cousin, donate, enough, future, genius, heaven, inside, junior, karate, lounge, minute, nature, office, potato, quotes, region, season, tomato, united, violet, weasel, xenias, yeoman and zombie.