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The two major effects of continued global warming would be a rise in sea levels (from polar ice melt) and a change in rainfall distribution caused by temperature, currents, and wind patterns. Secondary effects are loss of natural habitats (e.g. polar bears, birds, humans), and intensification of extreme weather phenomena including tropical storms.

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Q: What are the consequences of global climate change?
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What are some questions that preteens might have about global warming?

There are probably three "big" questions that preteens might ask about global climate change.How will I be affected by global climate change?What are the consequences of global climate change?What can be done to fight global climate change?If these questions seem a bit "advanced" for preteens here's a suggestion: do not sell them short. They know what time it is. They know what's going on.

Name three reasons why global climate change is a more accurate term than global warming?

Global climate change includes broader phenomena beyond just temperature increase, such as changing precipitation patterns and extreme weather events. It highlights the complexity of climate impacts across different regions, including unforeseen consequences and variations. The term global climate change is more inclusive of human activities that contribute to overall climate shifts, not just the increase in the Earth's average temperature.

How might global climate change affect the global conveyor belt?

Global climate change could potentially disrupt the global conveyor belt by altering temperature and salinity patterns in the ocean. This could lead to changes in ocean currents and potentially weaken or even shut down parts of the global conveyor belt, impacting global climate systems. This could have far-reaching consequences on weather patterns, marine ecosystems, and even regional climates around the world.

What is a word or phrase that has the same meaning as global warming?

The answer you are looking for is climate change.However, the question is incorrect. Global warming is not the same as climate change. Global warming is the warming of the earth. Climate change is the result of this warming.

What is the scientific consensus on the causes and consequences of climate change?

The scientific consensus is that climate change is primarily caused by human activities, specifically the release of greenhouse gases through burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. The consequences of climate change include rising global temperatures, sea level rise, more frequent extreme weather events, and disruptions in ecosystems and agriculture. Addressing climate change requires immediate and coordinated global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate its impacts.

Which increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes to global climate change?

Any increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide contributes to global climate change.

Is global warming a cause or a effect of climate change?

Global warming is an effect of climate change. Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature, precipitation, and other atmospheric conditions. Global warming specifically refers to the increase in Earth's average surface temperature due to human activities like burning fossil fuels.

Why should you stop climate change?

Generally speaking, humans should consider the impact they have on their environment, and take measures to reduce any negative effects. Runaway global warming is one negative effect of human induced climate change, with largely unknown consequences.

How does global warming and climate change is affecting Brazil?

Brazil itself is the main cause of global warming and climate change as they are continuously chopping down the rainforests!

Is Global Warming Skepticism Just Smoke and Mirrors?

Whenever you have an issue, their is a controversy. In the case of Global Climate Change the worldwide majority of environmental scientists and climatologists, backed up by data, photos, site observations and computer simulations, confirm that Global Climate Change is an issue and point to the man made generation of Greenhouse Gases (mainly carbon dioxide) as the cause. The few detractors have a small number of scientists who provide an alternate view. The trouble is that if action is not taken on Global Climate Change the consequences will be irreversible - nobody will like the world we get left with. The consequences of implementing climate change improvements (saving energy, using clean technology, reducing waste, removing GHGs at the point of emission) will cost us some money, create jobs, and let us survive.

What is another term for Global Warming?

Climate change

How can global warming affect cities?

It can change the climate