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Q: What are the consequences of going to a party with alcohol under 21?
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Explain legal consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol?

heavy fines jail term and a criminal record

What are some of the consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?

Loss of licence, a fine, prison, death.

In NZ if you are an under age drinker and give an older person money to buy you booze what are the legal consequences?

The older person will get arrested for/charged with supplying alcohol to a minor. The alcohol will be confiscated.

What happens if there's alcohol at a party but you don't drink and the party is raided by the cops?

If you're under the age of 21 and are the designated driver at a party, could can usually be arrested for underage drinking!

What if a teen is caught driving under the influence of alcohol?

You are going to lose your license. If you are under 21 DUI laws are ZERO-TOLERANCE.

What is the DUI law and why do you want to understand it?

The DUI law is a serious law to break and should not be taken lightly. Driving under the influence of alcohol can have serious or even deadly consequences, dont do it.

What are the legal consequences of smoking?

Tobacco? No legal consequences unless under age.

What group is alcohol in?

Alcohol is under hydroxyl group

When was We Can Breathe under Alcohol created?

We Can Breathe under Alcohol was created on 2005-05-17.

How old do you have to be to get into nightclubs in London?

18+ For any sort of alcohol. 18+ for clubbing. and age for going into a pub but not ordering an alcoholic drink. There are under 18 clubs that have the same stuff as 18+ clubs but just no alcohol and there normally in community centers (etc)...

Who is going to gatecrash Capulets party?

Romeo, Benvolio and his pals are going to sneak in under Mercutio's invitation.

Who is affected by alcohol?

those who consume alcohol through out day and is always under the effect of alcohol is affected by Alcoholism