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Depending on the ages involved, it could mean prison and being registered as a sex offender (if even two teens have sex). The consequences vary depending on the laws of your state. State laws for the age of consent can be viewed at

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Q: What are the consequences of sex under the age of consent?
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What age are you considered a minor in Texas?

Answer : age of consent in TexasThe age of consent is 17. People under that age may have sex with people who have NOT MORE than a 3-year age difference, for instance 16-19.

What does legal sexual consent mean?

Legal sexual consent means the legal age in your state to which you can actually have sex without being considered under age. Each state has a set age in which they consider to be legal in which you can decide at this point to have sex without going against the law. Most states legal age for sex is 16. If you have someone that is 16 and consents to have sex with someone who is 18; it used to be that the 18 year old in a lot of states could be charged with statutory rape by the parents of the 16 year old even if consent was given by the 16 year old. Most of these cases usually do not hold water due to the consent age being 16.

What is legal age consent in the state of Colorado?

The age of consent in Colorado is 17 but there are close-in-age exemptions: - teens 15-16 can have sex with those less than 10 years older - teens below 15 can have sex with those less than 4 years older (no one below age 13 is allowed to have sex in any state). If a person is a figure of trust the age of consent is 18.

Age of sexual consent in hi?

The age of consent in Hawaii is 16 but there's a close in age exemption that allow 14 and 15 year-olds to consent to sex with someone less than 5 years older.

What law states that a person under the age of 18 cannot engage in sexual contact?

The age of consent (i.e. the age at which an individual can legally agree to have sex) varies from state to state. Depending what state the relationship/activity is taking place in, the law might be that a person has to be over 18, or 17, or 16 to agree. Other ages may be applicable in yet other states. And in other countries, the ages will of course differ, based on local laws...Since a person who is under age (based on whatever law applies) can not legally consent to participate in sexual relations, it is important for all parties to understand the applicable law and to realize the consequences that may result in cases that involve sex between people (and possibly only one of the people) who have not reached the right age.

Related questions

What the age of sexual consent in Maryland?

The age of consent in Maryland is 16 years old.This means that someone under the age of consent cannot consent to sex.

What are the laws on parental consent for sex in New York State?

AnswerThere are laws regarding 'parental consent for sex'. There are laws regarding the age of sexual consent. If you�re under the age of sexual consent, then you can have sex, as long as your parents are okay with it.

I don't understand the age of consent In Maine it is 16 So does that mean a 16 year old girl can have sex with a 25 year old guy and there are no consequences?

whatever the age of consent is 10 16 22 whatever, when a person reaches that age, then by law they can consent to sex with anyone that age or over

Is 16 years old in Georgia age of sexual consent or parents have to consent to sex as in can a 16 year old just have sex but parents don't need to consent to it?

16 is the actual age of LEGAL consent of the individual engaging in the sex act. The parents/guardians do NOT have to consent or approve . . . however, as a personal aside, I strongly urge you think of the family's reaction and possible consequences.

If a person is over the age of consent and dates a person under the age of consent can that person over the age of consent get in legal trouble even if they don't have sex?

Dating is not regulated by law. If your parents allow you to date, then, if you are not having sex, there is no law broken.

Can you get in trouble for dating a girl above the age of consent?

no you cant get in trouble for dating a girl that's above the consent age but you can get in trouble if you and the girl have sex because you're under the age of consent.

Is it illegal for two girls under 16 to hae sex?

Depends what state you are. Age of consent in the US also applies to same sex couples. If the age of consent is 16 or of there are close in age exemptions it is legal, otherwise not.

Whose consent is needed in the age of consent law?

There is nobody who can give consent. There is nobody who can give permission.If sex happens and one of the couple is under the age of consent then a crime has been committed.Read more about "Age of Consent" in the Related Questions below.

How old do you have to be to have under age sex?

In every state there is something called Age of Consent and that is when you are old enough to give consent to sex. It varies from 16-18 between the individual states. So it depends on where you live.

What are the sex laws in California?

As far as the age of consent: The age of consent is 18. It is not legal to have sex if you are not at least 18.

What does it mean - Age of Consent?

The Age of Consent law is there to protect minors (children in the care of parents or guardians) from sex and sexual relationships. It means that until the child has reached the age of consent they cannot have sex with another person. This protects them under the law from older persons and adults above the age limit also.

How old do you have to be to date in WA?

you can date anyone you want, you just can't necessarily have sex. it depends on your age and your partners age. if your partner is over 18 and you are under your state's age of consent, then that is statutory rape. if both of you are under the age of consent, that is also illegal. so pretty much you can date whoever you want at any age you want, just dont have sex until you are both over the age on consent.